01-13-2025 Good morning neighbors. IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ. First off, we had an irrigation break on slope 1 by the sidewalk leading to the Linear Park. The broken pipe emitted gallons and gallons of water down the slope for hours before it was shut off, causing a rupture and breakage of our fence along that part of the slope. Irrigation water is shut off. I am not sure what lines are affected. If you need something watered, do so by hand using your hose. Board Treasurer Raghu Khomidi and I met with YL City Parks and Rec Director Rick Yee this morning to discuss the way forward. The city is concerned that the slope not have any more erosion and has directed our HOA to lay tarps down. They also have informed us they do not have the resources needed to direct the engineering side of the slope restoration and gave us the green light for the go ahead to begin work ASAP. The HOA is in contact with a geologist to come and inspect our slope. He has done a previous study and is versed in our situation. RGS is coming out Tuesday morning to inpsect and discuss repair of the broken line. The Board and management team are in discussion today on our path forward. Will keep you advised. Regarding last Thursday's meeting, we fell well short of the 50% vote quorum requirement but more that met the next quorum requirement so the election will be held at the February meeting, votes counted, and 2025 board determined. Thanks for getting your votes in. The YLKTA group and the board discussed concrete repair last week and as part of this discussion, agreed to make an effort to place trash cans in more central collection areas. Members fanned out this morning to collect cans away from the plazas and also group cans on one side of the street if possible, to streamline collection and lessen the load of trash trucks running back and forth on the concrete. We will continue to make this effort and will also be sending out a survey, get feedback, amend the rules on trash collection and use markers to designate trash container placement. Winds continue. Keep a watchful eye. More later. Dave and Chris ---- Hello Neighbors!! It is ELECTION DAY!!!!!!!!! Be sure your ballots are at the clubhouse tonight between the 6 and 7 o'clock hour. We want to make quorum tonight! The regular board meeting begins immediately afterward. We have a doozey of an agenda: Slope; Irrigation: Concrete; Pools; Trash Collection Mitigation ... Join us for the discussion. But foremost, get your ballot in. 6:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 6:00 PM | Thank you. Dave and Chris ---- An irrigation line burst over by the slope on the Gun Road Park area. Thankfully the neighbor got help quickly enough that we were able to divert the water until the fire department was able to turn off the water. Looks like we are going to have to reassess supporting that slope. Can't impress enough how important it is that when you see something, say something so that we can get to it right away. Thanks to all who helped us head off this problem. Don't forget that your ballots are due at tomorrow's meeting at 6:00. We would like to get a full quorum first time around. Also remember, tonight is decal sticker night for parking if you have not already taken care of that. The event will start at 6:00 p.m. in front of the main pool. Be sure to bring your car that needs a sticker and all your paperwork. Thanks again. ---- Good morning neighbors. The decal distribution came off well yesterday. By some estimates, 80% or more of the decals were updated. The old decals will be good till the last day of February. The next day for decal updates is this Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at the main pool. We also received more resident email addresses to add to our growing list, and another person has signed up to help out on one of our committees. So, a good day all in all. Many thanks to board members Lynn, Raghu, and Tom for working together with the OC Patrol folks to help this process through. We have a TALK AROUND today at 4:00PM in the clubhouse, and an election and board meeting at 6:00 PM on Thursday. If you have not already done so, please fill out your ballot and bring it to the drop off at the meeting on Thursday. Be well. Dave and Chris. ---- Much to pass on ... Happy New Year neighbors. I am attaching the Parking Decal document, last month's concrete report, the YLK map, the Quick Info Sheet, and including the agenda for next Thursday's meeting. The Financials are not yet available. We have a YLK Talk-Around this Sunday at the clubhouse at 4:00PM. Hope to see you there. The January election and board meeting is next Thursday, January 9th, at 6:00 PM at the clubhouse. If you have not already sent in your election ballot, please bring it along to the meeting. We just finished filling out the paperwork for our Parking Decal Request happening this Saturday, 01/04 at 10:00 AM and running till NOON and then once again on Wednesday from 6:00 PM till 9:00 PM. Here again is the information that went out on an email blast from Powerstone. - - - - - - - BI-ANNUAL PARKING AUDIT Dear Homeowners, In compliance with the community Parking Rules and Regulations, an audit will be held in January of 2025. *If you have no need for outside parking of a vehicle overnight, you may disregard the remainder of this notice. New parking stickers with different colors will be issued to all residents. The current black and blue stickers will become invalid starting March 1, 2025. New parking stickers will be issued on the following dates/times in front of the clubhouse: Saturday, January 4th –10 AM to 1 PM Wednesday, January 8th – 6 PM to 9 PM Saturday, January 25th – 10 AM to 1 PM Wednesday, January 29th – 6 PM to 9 PM Whether you currently have stickers or not, you must re-apply for new stickers on one of the above days, if you need outside parking for one of your vehicles overnight (this includes your driveway or street parking). OC Patrol will apply the stickers onto your vehicle the day that you choose to come. There will be no fee if you qualify and receive the stickers on the above dates. All residents applying for stickers must submit a complete Parking Decal Application and bring copies of the vehicles’ registrations (all vehicles, not just the one that needs stickers), and drivers’ licenses. Note that these documents must show your home address in Yorba Linda Knolls. (I am attaching the Parking Decal Request Form.pdf to this email) The following rules apply: No more than two stickers will be provided to any residence. The $40.00 processing fee will be waived, if the resident qualifies and receives a parking permit on one of the above dates. Residents who are applying for stickers and cannot park two vehicles in their garage and/or carport, will require a garage inspection and/or Board approval first. The reason for this audit is to ensure residents are using their garages and carports for parking first and foremost, and to ensure there are still enough outside spaces in the community for our guests. Please address any questions to our Community Manager, Jodi Wood, at jwood@powerstonepm.com. A hard copy of this notice will also be mailed to you. Please ensure you are sharing all of this information with your tenants. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation! Sincerely, Board of Directors Yorba Linda Knolls Townhomes - - - - - - Here is the Agenda for Thursday's meeting. ANNUAL ELECTION CALL TO ORDER 6:00 PM INTRODUCTION OF BALLOT INSPECTOR OPENING & COUNTING OF BALLOTS Only if quorum of 50% is reached = 99 ballots. If not, the meeting will be rescheduled for the following month, when only a 20% quorum is required. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTION RESULTS ADJOURNMENT GENERAL SESSION CALL TO ORDER Immediately following election EXECUTIVE SESSION DISCLOSURE Pursuant to Civil Code Section 4935 (a), an Executive Session Meeting will be held after the General Session Meeting to consider any of the following: litigation, matters relating to the formation of contracts with third parties, member discipline, personnel matters, or to meet with a member, upon the member’s request, regarding the member’s payment of assessments, as specified in Section 5665. HOMEOWNER FORUM Any owner in attendance is permitted to take three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding Association related matters. The Board may address the issues at that time or at a later meeting. Once the homeowner forum has concluded, membership is welcome to observe the remainder of the meeting. However, they are not permitted to participate. MINUTES FINANCIALS PARKING REQUESTS ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS LANDSCAPE PROPOSALS/COMMITTEE UPDATES GENERAL BUSINESS Presentation by Monarch Environmental (landscape consulting services) Main Pool Replaster/Repairs REPORTS FOR REVIEW ADJOURNMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - Once again, parking decals starting Saturday, 10:00 till Noon, Talk Around Sunday at 4:00PM at the clubhouse, election and board meeting on Thursday at 6:00PM. ---- **YLK Candidate’s Forum And Holiday Dinner** **All voting members**//Italic Text// are invited to listen and present questions to the FOUR candidates for THREE seats in the upcoming YLK 2025 election to be held in January. Topics include irrigation overhaul planning and pool renovation projects, among your other concerns. The Candidate Forum begins sharply at 4:00PM Sunday, December 8th at the clubhouse. Immediately afterward at 5:00PM //everyone is invited to attend our annual Holiday Potluck Dinner//. Bring a main dish and a salad or rolls or dessert. We are providing gifts for two families. More information to follow. Questions? Email Chris at [[chriskuks@aol.com]]. Hope to see you there. ---- New HOA Laws for Ca homeowners. https://communityassociations.net/new-hoa-laws-for-california-homeowners-for-2025/ ---- Hello neighbors. Today is Thursday, November 14th. Tonight is a board meeting at 7:00 PM. Usually this is the last meeting of the calendar year. Tonight's discussion of import will be the adoption of the 2025 budget and the election for three board seats for the upcoming year. We hope you will be able to attend. TONIGHT. 7:00PM. Clubhouse The community is hosting our annual holiday dinner at the clubhouse on Sunday, December 8th at 5:00 PM. ALL are welcome. Bring a gift for one of our two adopted families and some dish to share. More details to follow. One of our neighbors is being a bad actor and dumping trash on our streets for the association to discard. The neighbor lives in the Logana/Cardena area and the items include derelict machines (compressor and power washer), a mattress, and a bookcase. This costs all of us for the disposal. If you see something or know something or your RING or video captures something, please let a board or committee member or Powerstone know. Thanks for picking up after your pets and keeping your vehicle speed in check on our narrow streets. Hope to see you tonight. Dave and Chris ---- Hello neighbors. A quick reminder that today at 4:00 PM is a Talk-Around in the clubhouse in advance of the board meeting on Thursday, the last of this calendar year. Budget issues, the board election (four candidates for three seats), fall tree trimming, ideas on how to thwart neighbors dumping large items on the streets, and other concerns will be on the agenda of things to discuss. We try to keep it to an hour. Please join us if you can. Dave and Chris ---- Hello neighbors. Our last Talk-Around and Board Meeting for the calendar year 2024 is coming up this Sunday and next Thursday respectively. The Budget Comm. and board met yesterday and we have the budget for next year. It will be discussed Sunday and voted on by the board next Thursday. RGS will be spraying for weed control today and tomorrow throughout the complex, wind permitting. Great Scott the arbor company should be here starting November 21st to complete the fall trimming. The election is coming up and as I understand it, we have four people running for three seats, and hopefully the candidates will be at the TA to present their cases. So, please join us at the clubhouse on SUNDAY, November 10th at 4:00 PM for the talk around, and then on Thursday, November 14th, at 7:00 PM for the year's last board meeting. Bring any questions and concerns you might have. We hope to see you there. Dave and Chris. ---- 10/30/2024 What's happening? Well somebody in the Logana area is dumping machines and a mattress on the curbs for others to dispose of. If you have seen the bad actor neighbor do this, please say something to a committee or board member. The finance committee is working with the board on the budget for the year 2025. If you have concerns or comments, now would be the time to speak up and the November meeting would be the meeting to attend and stay and listen with sharp ears. We have a greater number of children living in the complex and Thursday night (Halloween) they will be walking around in their costumes trick or treating. PLEASE drive with care (as you would every day, right?). Keep your eyes open and take care with pedestrians. Thursday is also the deadline for all applications to people who would like to run for the board for next year. Hopefully you have been thinking about it and have submitted your paperwork. For those thinking of helping out in other ways, we have the following standing committees and can always use a helping hand: Landscape, Arbor, Finance, and Architecture. Our annual winter holiday clubhouse celebration is scheduled for Sunday, December 8th at 5:00PM. Put it on your calendar and we hope you and your family will join us for a joyful and giving time. Thanks to all pet owners for picking up after your furbies; the complex is looking much better. Remember, if you see something, say something. Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. Dave and Chris. ---- 10/05/2025 Hello neighbors. You remember that last month we chose not to meet because of the over 100 degree heat. Well, tomorrow is going to be warm again, but we only have two more meetings left and we have much to discuss, so we will get into the clubhouse by two and crank up the AC. We'll meet for the Talk Around at four. Bring a treat to share, or a libation, or both! Here's what we are discussing: Garage inspections and parking stickers. The board would like a reset for all parking stickers for 2025. Let's discuss. Board elections are coming in January. There are three seats up for election for this year. Are you interested in throwing your hat in the ring? Let's discuss. What is happening with YLK Irrigation redevelopment (AB 1668 and SB 606)? Here is a bulletin. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:7500895b-ff3d-41e6-922b-2e9cefe135f1 California State Water Resources Control Board Adopts Permanent Water Conservation Regulations In the past decade, California has endured two multi-year droughts that have led to temporary restrictions on water use. The temporary restrictions were lifted when drought conditions eased. In an effort to ensure sufficient water supplies for future dry periods, the California Legislature passed two bills (AB 1668 and SB 606) in 2018 which mandate water conservation measures on a permanent basis. The legislation laid out a new long-term water use framework for urban water suppliers in California and called for the California State Water Resources Control Board (the “SWRCB”) to adopt implementing regulations for the following: • Indoor residential water use; • Outdoor residential water use; • Landscape irrigation; and • Water loss. On July 3, 2024, the SWRCB adopted the required implementing regulations. Although the regulations go into effect on January 1, 2025, no water use reductions will be enforced until 2027. The regulations do not directly restrict water use by individuals or businesses and they do not apply to suppliers of irrigation (i.e., non-potable) water, suppliers with fewer than 3,000 connections or those that supply less than 3,000 acre-feet of water per year. The regulations will apply to approximately 405 urban water suppliers (including cities, water districts and private water companies) that supply approximately 95% of California’s population with potable water. However, many of these suppliers are already carrying out water conservation efforts that meet the regulatory standards.  For suppliers whose conservation efforts will need to be ramped up, the regulations do not establish a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, water conservation thresholds for each supplier will be customized based on factors such as local climate and precipitation, local land uses (with higher thresholds for newly built residential areas and land used for livestock or agriculture), the level of recycled water deliveries, and historical water use. In recognition that it may be more difficult and more costly for lower-income areas to meet the standards, median household income is also taken into account. Information about each affected supplier’s service area characteristics can be found here. Suppliers must establish annual water budgets for their customers’ indoor residential, outdoor residential and landscape irrigation uses as well as limits on water losses, which will be combined to establish a Water Use Objective (the “WUO”). The WUO includes allowances for certain variances and temporary adjustments, such as the use of water in cooling centers during periods of extreme heat. negative impacts to wastewater collection and treatment, and bonuses for potable reuse efforts. In lieu of water budgets for landscape irrigation, suppliers can adopt alternative measures such as installing dedicated irrigation meters or providing rebates to replace inefficient irrigation fixtures, replace turf or install green infrastructure (e.g., swales or rain gardens). The WUO will be met even if individual components in the formula exceed their budgeted use limits in a given year. For example, if indoor residential water use by a supplier’s customers exceeds the budgeted amount, the WUO will still be met if the sum of water use in all categories does not exceed the total WUO budget. Suppliers will be presumed to be in compliance with the regulations if their customers’ water use in 2040 does not exceed 70% of their water use in 2026. The regulations require suppliers to reduce their water budgets no less frequently than during each five-year period through 2040. The regulations also require each urban water supplier to provide to the SWRCB in a machine-readable format, by January 1 of each year, commencing January 1, 2025: (i) its WUO; and (ii) a report detailing actual water use among the various user categories for the prior year. Fines for non-compliance with the regulations can reach as much as $10,000 per day. The expectation is that compliance with the regulations will be more cumbersome for smaller urban water suppliers in lower-income areas, as many larger suppliers have already adopted water budge-based rates. Environmental groups have criticized the regulations as requiring too little conservation in the near term, while water industry groups have called for financial support from the SWRCB or other state agencies to ensure that the standards can be met without undue hardship to retail customers. Let's discuss. Plus we want to discuss your concerns and/or observations and past board actions. I am including the agenda, the September financials, a map, and the Kwik-sheet. YORBA LINDA KNOLLS COUNTRY TOWNHOMES OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AT THE CLUBHOUSE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2024 AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION (BOD ONLY) I. CALL TO ORDER 6:30 PM II. MINUTES III. DELINQUENCY IV. MEMBER MATTERS V. EXECUTIVE BUSINESS VI. ADJOURNMENT GENERAL SESSION I. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 PM II. EXECUTIVE SESSION DISCLOSURE Pursuant to Civil Code Section 4935 (a), an Executive Session Meeting will be held before the General Session Meeting to consider any of the following: litigation, matters relating to the formation of contracts with third parties, member discipline, personnel matters, or to meet with a member, upon the member’s request, regarding the member’s payment of assessments, as specified in Section 5665. III. HOMEOWNER FORUM Any owner in attendance is permitted three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding Association related matters. The Board may address the issues at that time or at a later meeting. Once the homeowner forum has concluded, membership is welcome to observe the remainder of the meeting. However, they are not permitted to participate. IV. MINUTES V. FINANCIALS VI. PARKING APPLICATIONS/REQUESTS VII. ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS VIII. LANDSCAPE PROPOSALS/COMMITTEE UPDATES YORBA LINDA KNOLLS COUNTRY TOWNHOMES OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AT THE CLUBHOUSE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2024 AGENDA IX. GENERAL BUSINESS A. 2025 Election B. Light Pole Replacement C. Street Sweeping D. Pump Room Issues E. Speed Monitoring F. Water Management/Turf Removal X. REPORTS FOR REVIEW XI. ADJOURNMENT We hope to see you at 4:00 PM, tomorrow, at the clubhouse. Dave and Chris.  ---- Good afternoon neighbors! We have a board meeting this evening at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse. Hope to see you there. I enclose the financials, my notes for this evening, and the agenda. (You have to be on the mailing list) ---- Hello neighbors. Power has gone out in some of our homes. HOA President Lynn Slack has opened the clubhouse and has the air conditioning going if anyone needs to find relief from the heat. It's 6:14 PM on Sunday. ---- Hello neighbors. It's a bit warm. Well OK, it is hot. Very hot. Sunday looks to be 106 degrees and it reaches its peak at the time we are slated to meet. I am not overly confident in the Clubhouse air conditioning's ability to stay up with this abnormal heat. We have not skipped a month's meeting since we started these meetings but I think we may skip this one. We do have a board meeting on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 Here's the agenda ... HOMEOWNER FORUM Any owner in attendance is permitted three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding Association related matters. Ratify the MINUTES Ratify the FINANCIALS Consider the PARKING APPLICATIONS/REQUESTS Discuss and vote on LANDSCAPE PROPOSALS/COMMITTEE UPDATES GENERAL BUSINESS A. Discuss and vote on Clubhouse Door Repair B. Discuss Sign Installation C. Discuss Pool Draining & Refurbishment REPORTS FOR REVIEW I am attaching the financials for August. Tuesday looks like it will be back to normal. We hope to see you on Thursday. ---- Good afternoon neighbors! Hope you’re having fun in the last days of summer. Just a reminder that we have a board meeting tonight at 7 o’clock at the clubhouse. We hope to see you there. ---- Hello neighbors! Happy summer! 🌞 As I mentioned last week, the board meeting has been put off till this next Wednesday. We are meeting at the clubhouse tomorrow, Sunday the 11th, at 4:00. We hope to see you there. I am attaching the agenda and the minutes. We will talk about the pools and the necessary upkeep and refurbishing and timeline. Hope you are having a great Saturday and would love to see you tomorrow, Sunday, at 4:00 pm. Bring your own beverage. 😉 Dave and Chris. ---- Hello neighbors. The board meeting has been postponed until 8/14 - WEDNESDAY at 7:00 PM. That means we will have the Talk Around not tomorrow, but next Sunday, 8/11 at 4:00 in the clubhouse. (Those I saw and talked to this morning on my walk-around - please take note.) In the email, I sent along the updated insurance letter. Email me at aztecdave@gmail.com if you would like to receive the notices. I also sent along the Architecture Request document in case anyone needs it. Benicia cleaned up well enough. RGS is set for a walk around this Tuesday at 9:30 ... if you have any requests. See you a week from Sunday at the clubhouse ... 4:00PM. ;-) Dave and Chris Dave Tennant Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. What I would hope we could achieve in our government is this: the rule of just law, credible monetary regimes, transparent fiscal systems, and incorruptible bureaucracies. ---- A huge shout out and a big thank you to the volunteer crew who met at the clubhouse on Wednesday evening to clean all of the chairs. Seven of us going together made quick work of the project. Thank you to President Lynn for providing the steam cleaners and to treasurer Raghu,, Dave and Jenny, Judy, and Chris and Dave. Volunteerism such as this helps to make a great community even greater. ---- Hello neighbors! We have a Board meeting tonight at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse. We're talking about auto violations, inconsistent parking enforcement, vandalism at the main pool, missing signs, wrapping up the asphalt project, and other concerns. Join us, won't you? ---- YLKTA 7-6-24 Good afternoon neighbors! Happy 4th of July weekend. I have been in so much reverie that I forgot to get a letter out. Please forgive the short notice. We will have a talk around meeting tomorrow at the clubhouse at 4:00 p.m. Please bring refreshments. This is your time to come and share your concerns, observations, suggestions, etc. If you have a new neighbor, encourage them to attend and by all means, please give them a copy of the quick sheet. Our next board meeting is this Thursday at 7:00. That's July 11th at 7:00 at the clubhouse and we hope to see you there as well. Respectfully, Dave and Chris. ---- Hello neighbors! Just a reminder that tonight at 7:00 is a board meeting at the clubhouse. Hope to see ---- Hello neighbors. Just a reminder; TODAY is a TALK-AROUND. We will be in the Clubhouse. Bring libations to share. ALL residents are invited. This is a gathering where anyone can contribute to a longer discussion of life here at the Knolls. Time constraints prohibit longer talks at Board meetings so here is the place to "air it out". The pools are the current issue. It's a good idea that we talk about them this Sunday at the talk around. It is of course my understanding that the board has the ultimate say in that infrastructure which belongs to the non-profit organization. Both have been fixed and are ready to use. The pump houses in both pools need major repairs and in fact the Main Pool needs a redesign to come up to code. Come prepared with questions, comments, and concerns to the talk-around at the clubhouse TODAY, June 9th at 4:00 p.m. Bring some libation to share. We will also update on our asphalt situation, the South and West slope, and tree trimming this coming week. We hope to see you at the clubhouse at the main pool on Sunday the 9th at 4:00 p.m. Bring a neighbor. ---- Good afternoon neighbors. Just want to remind all of us that there is a meeting at 7:00 on Tuesday at the clubhouse to discuss parking solutions for the upcoming asphalt ceiling, this Wednesday Thursday and friday. The no drive time period Is 24 hours. The trash people should be here on Tuesday so that should not be a problem. RGS will be here hopefully Tuesday so that should not be a problem. Pylusd bus system has been contacted several times and hopefully those with students have made arrangements so that the buses can pick them up somewhere other than inside the complex. Please be thinking about this. It is coming up this wednesday, thursday, and Friday. Once again, if you can make the meeting on Tuesday, that would be helpful. ---- Hello neighbors. Next week is the final phase of the asphalt project. YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION. The north end of the complex will be closed on Wednesday from 7:00AM to 7:00AM Thursday - a FULL 24 hours. There will be no driving on the roads and cars WILL BE TOWED. Thursday is the middle section, and Friday is the southern section. Look for the flyers being handed out this week. Call Powerstone for any questions you might have. Here is the email blast sent out by Powerstone. Important YLK Asphalt Information Dear homeowners, the final phase of the community asphalt project for sealing and striping, will commence next week, Wednesday, May 29th through Friday May 31st. Please reference the below link to the site map which shows the sections of the community that will be worked on each day. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:2865eb92-e301-42be-9de-ca83077b3624 Note, each phase will close the roadways from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. the next morning, a full 24-hour closure. The board welcomes all residents to join them on Tuesday, May 28th, at the clubhouse at 7:00 p.m., to have a discussion on what this will entail for parking your vehicles during these three days and nights. The board has some ideas in mind that they'd like to share with everyone and we are all open to suggestions. The hope is to come together in figuring out a plan that will work best, making this as smooth an operation as possible. We understand this work will inconvenience many and we appreciate everyone's cooperation. We are almost to the finish line! Sincerely, Yorba Linda Knolls Country Townhomes Board of Directors. ---- Hello neighbors! Do you have your items for sale ready for Saturday's community-wide garage sale? We start at 7:00 a.m. Looking forward to it! ---- Good morning neighbors! Today is Wednesday and normally you would not think there is a board meeting, but there is! Tonight at 7:00, the board meets to assign officers and cover the agenda I sent out in the email. If you did not receive the email, please send me a message at Aztecdave@gmail.com so I can get you on this list and you can receive other important information. Again, the board meeting for this month is TONIGHT. 7:00 at the clubhouse. We hope to see you there. ---- Hello neighbors. Sunday is Cinco de Mayo so for our Yorba Linda Knolls talk around at the clubhouse at 4:00, Chris and I have decided to bring our blender, a couple of bags of ice, some margarita mix, and some chips and salsa. BYOT. 😉 Our board meeting this month is on Wednesday at 7:00 and we will be previewing the agenda for that meeting as well as talking about the asphalt sealing project that happens at the end of the month. We hope to see you there! Again, Sunday, 4:00, at the clubhouse. Questions? Email Dave at aztecdave@gmail.com or Chris at chriskuks@aol.com. ---- Comments on the April 11, 2024 YLK Board Meeting Hello neighbors. We had a full board complement plus PSPM exec Jodi in attendance. There were somewhere in the neighborhood of between 15 and 20 homeowners in attendance. • The homeowner session was full of members with questions, concerns, observations, etc. The YLK-TA group had the previous Sunday decided to propose a Garage Sale for Saturday May 18, 2024 from the hours of 7:00AM to 1:00 PM. A Dumpster, shredding bins, and electronics waste bins will also be provided. There will be follow up this week on progress for that event. Homeowners reminded of the need for replacement of bike and pet signs and for north pool Pump House vents that need replacement. Another member made note that a significant portion of the North Pool fencing is rotted at the base and is a safety issue. • It was noted that the park gate is a wonderful addition but still does not close completely. • Also noted were the Fireplugs in disrepair, one at at 4710 Carmonita, and one on Serente. This is also a public safety issue. • The west slope clean-up is slated for late May and the board will authorize this at the May Board meeting. • The Finance Committee is looking ahead after the completion of the asphalt project to addressing the severe concrete cracking at Serente Plaza, Cardena Plaza, and a few other spots. • Members brought up the need for two or three more “5 MPH” signs along Carmonita. • Another member brought up the need for proactive planning by use of a calendar for members month by month. The agenda consisted of: • … approving the minutes and financials, discussing parking permit requests, reviewing landscape proposals, (the largest one being a sprinkler controller replacement over on Serente), and some general business. • There will be an emergency shut-off button installed at the North Pool Jacuzzi and repair to the pump machines. • Two additional Doggie Bag Stations will be installed, one between Cardena and Logana and one off Lorca. • The Clubhouse will receive seasonal deep cleaning and a committee has volunteered to save some money and clean Clubhouse chairs in house. • See the calendar and be on the lookout to updates for the Asphalt project. The dates at May 29, 30, and 31. • Keep an eye peeled. The next board meeting may be on a WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th. We’ll keep you posted. Any questions? Follow the YLKTA Facebook page or contact Dave (aztecdave@gmail.com) or Chris (chriskuks@aol.com). Be well; do good work, and keep in touch. Dave and Chris ---- Just a quick reminder that we are having a talk around at the clubhouse today at 4:00 p.m. bring your references for your favorite contractors to share with other neighbors. Thanks a bunch and hope to see you there. ---- Friday, April 5th. **Good morning neighbors!** Hope you are staying dry and more importantly that your roofs are staying dry. We have a talk around this Sunday at 4:00 p.m. in the clubhouse. **We will talk about the crack fill happening on Tuesday and Wednesday.** I also had the idea that we should have a share around of your favorite contractor, someone who has done work for your house and you were very pleased. Bring that information to share. I've got my business card wallet ready to go. //Bring along also your questions and comments and we hope to see you there.// -Dave If you have any questions, contact Dave at **aztecdave@gmail.com** or Chris at **chriskuks@aol.com** or chrissykuks@gmail.com ---- Hello neighbors. ---- I decided to try another type of technology for this website. It is a wiki page. I will post information here from time to time. I sent out a letter and updated the Facebook page this morning, and got updated information. Here it is: * Board positions will be chosen in May. ^ Asphalt Schedule ^^ | April 9 & 10 | Crack Filling | | May 23 | Cardena Patching | | May 29, 30, & 31 | Seal Coat | I will send out this information in another letter next week and update the Facebook page as well. --- //[[aztecdave@gmail.com|Dave]] 2024/03/27 01:31 ----